Stucco and Stone – Choosing the Best Siding for Your Home

When it comes time to decide which type of siding to have installed on your home, you may be faced with a lot of options. While there are a handful of quality siding options, stucco and stone are two of the best materials you’ll find. They both come with a variety of options and have the durability to last for years to come. Choosing between the two can be a difficult decision because of the variety of benefits they offer.

Installation and Durability

Modern stucco siding is made of Portland cement, sand and water and is installed in layers with a water barrier being added first to block moisture. When done correctly, stucco siding is one of the most durable and energy efficient siding options you can have. The layering of stucco adds insulation to your home and can help to reduce both heating and cooling costs. The only problem with stucco is that it only performs well in certain climates. Regions with high humidity may expose stucco to too much moisture.


When it comes to stone siding, you have two options: natural stone or stone veneer. No matter which one you decide to go with, you will be left with a beautiful home exterior. Though, due to the availability of natural stone and the fact that its installation is more labor intensive, many homeowners opt to go with stone veneer. Stone veneer is very easy to install and can actually be done by the homeowner. However, if you want it done right, it’s always best to leave it to the professionals. After installation, stone veneer can last up to twenty-five years or more if maintained properly. It is very resistant to mold that could be caused by excess moisture in the air and will add extra insulation to your home. Because of this, stone veneer will do well in most climates. Though it is very durable, you need to be careful when power washing your home as it can cause damage to the stone veneer.


Both stucco and stone come in a variety of options. With many different colors and finishes to choose from, you can completely customize the look of your home. Stucco siding will give your home a Mediterranean or Spanish looking exterior. Stone siding, whether it’s natural or veneer, will give your home a more rustic look. No matter which type of siding you choose, you will be left with a beautiful home.


Stucco and stone are two of the most expensive types of siding. The cost of stone siding will depend on which type of stone that you choose. Natural stone is the most expensive option and will have the highest cost per square foot. Stone veneer, however, is much less expensive and costs around the same per square inch as stucco siding does. Even though they among most expensive siding options, many homeowners believe it is well worth the investment because of their durability and energy efficiency.bigstock-construction-stone-mason-1023347-1024x696

Stucco and Stone for Your Home

Because they are both such quality siding options, it is rather difficult to choose between stucco and stone. So, why not have both? A stone accent is a great way to add something special to a stucco home. Whether you want stucco siding, stone siding or a bit of both, Royal State Construction can deliver beautiful results. We specialize in the installation of stucco and stone exterior siding. Take a look at our gallery to see some of our past work. If you want to enhance the durability and appeal of your home, contact us today to get started.

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